Austenfeld, Thomas, and Grzegorz Kosc (eds.). Robert Lowell in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024.
Austenfeld, Thomas, and Aurélie Zurbrügg (eds.). Who Tells Your Story? SPELL 42. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2023.
Austenfeld, Thomas (ed.) Robert Lowell in a New Century: European and American Perspectives. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House (an imprint of Boydell & Brewer), 2019.
Austenfeld, Thomas (ed.). Katherine Anne Porter’s Ship of Fools: New Interpretations and Transatlantic Contexts. Denton: University of North Texas Press, 2015.
Austenfeld, Thomas, Jens Herlth, Dimiter Daphinoff (eds.). Terrorism and Narrative Practice. Münster: Lit Verlag, 2011.
Austenfeld, Thomas (ed.). Critical Insights: Barbara Kingsolver. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, 2010.
Austenfeld, Thomas, and Agnieszka Soltysik Monnet (eds.). Writing American Women. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2009.
Austenfeld, Thomas (ed.). Kay Boyle for the Twenty-First Century: New Essays. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2008.
Austenfeld, Thomas. American Women Writers and the Nazis: Ethics and Politics in Boyle, Porter, Stafford, and Hellman. Charlottesville and London: University Press of Virginia, 2001.
Co-editor, with Veronica Alfano (Macquarie University) of the series Anglophone Lyric Poetry and Poetics (Lexington Books, a division of Rowman & Littlefield).
Articles and Chapters
52. “Religion.” In: Robert Lowell in Context, eds. Thomas Austenfeld and Grzegorz Kosc. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024, 173-184.
51. (with Aurélie Zurbrügg) “Introduction: Telling Stories, Writing Lives.” Who Tells Your Story? SPELL 42. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2023, 9-15.
50. “American Sestinas: A Century of Aesthetic Paradoxes.” Contrainte Créatrice: La Fortune Littéraire de la Sextine dans le Temps et dans l’Espace. Textes réunis par Luca Barbieri et Marion Uhlig avec la collaboration de David Moos et Pauline Quarroz. ” Firenze: Edizioni del Galluzzo, per la Fondazione Enzio Franceschini, 2023, 179-197. DOI 10.36167/QSMI12PDF
49.“Qui chante? The Lyric’s Voice as Impersonation.” Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik, Vol. 2: Contemporary Lyric Poetry in Transitions between Genres and Media, ed. Ralph Müller and Henrieke Stahl. IZfK 2 (2021): 135-143. DOI: 10.25353/ubtr-izfk-ce7d-f942.
48. “The Other Chimamanda Adichie: Beyond the Feminist Icon.” Peter Weiss Jahrbuch für Literatur, Kunst und Politik im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert. Vol. 29. Ed. Arnd Beise and Michael Hofmann. St. Ingbert: Röhrig Universitätsverlag, 2020. 213-224.
47. “Questions of Epic and Lyric: The Challenge of Walt Whitman.” IdeAs [Online Journal of the Institut des Amériques,] 14 (2019), posted October 1, 2019. . OPEN ACCESS.
46. “Not for an Age? Robert Lowell’s Historical Moment.” Anglia 134.4 (2016): 683-699. DOI: 10.1515/anglia-2016-0074 .
45. “Lowell’s Dolphin: Shame, Guilt, and the Fate of Confessional Poetry.” Literature, Ethics, Morality: American Studies Perspectives, eds. Ridvan Askin and Philipp Schweighauser. Tübingen: Narr, Francke, Attempto, 2015. 59-72. ISBN 978-3-8233-6967-7
44. “Confess–Disclose–Proclaim: The Trope of Self-Revelation in American Poetry Since the Sixties.” New Perspectives on American Poetry: From Walt Whitman to the Present, eds. Jiri Flajsar and Pavlina Flajsarova. Olomouc: Universita Palackeho v Olomouci, 2015. 53-70. ISBN 978-80-244-4762-9
43. “The Drama of Shaping a Lyrical Moment: An Approach to the Poetry of Dana Gioia.” New Pilgrimages: Selected Papers from the IAUPE Beijing Conference in 2013, eds. Li Cao and Li Jin. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2015. 244-258. ISBN 978-7-302-38569-1
42. Austenfeld, Thomas; Reynes-Delobel, Anne. “Kay Boyle.” Oxford Bibliographies in American Literature. Eds. Jackson Bryer, Richard Kopley, and Paul Lauter. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.
41. “Fleeing, Flying, Staying, Leaving: The Persistence of Escape in American Literature.” In Fuga. Temi, Percorsi, Storie. L’Analisi Linguistica e Letteraria. Eds. Federico Bellini and Giulio Segato. Milano: Facoltà di Scienze Linguistiche e Letterature Straniere, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore 12.1-2 (2014): 69-76.
40. “Nobody’s Nation. Multiculturalism in American Society and American Literature.” Tertium Datur! Formen und Facetten interkultureller Hybridität / Formes et facettes d’hybridité interculturelle. Ed. Sabine Haupt. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2014. 23-35.
39. “Louise Erdrich in Company: The American Writer and Her Communities.” Critical Insights: Louise Erdrich. Ed. Jane Hafen. Pasadena: Salem Press, 2013. 68-85.
38. “Razor’s Edge: Robert Lowell Shaving.” Pacific Coast Philology 47 (2012): 1-16.
37. “Preface.” Being and Becoming. Reading Arthur Miller’s Focus and “The Crucible” through Giorgio Agamben. By Cinzia Minervini Jordan. Ed. Thomas Austenfeld. Basel: Friedrich Reinhardt Verlag, 2012. 1-4.
36. “Le paradoxe d’une Sudiste, femme et catholique. Une triple liberté.” [Flannery O’Connor, écrivain catholique?] Pierre d’angle 17 (2011): 11-20. [Tr. Simone de Reyff. Published April, 2012].
35. “‘Poets alone are summoned as witness’: Kay Boyle as Poet.” The Wolf (London, UK), ed. James Byrne. Vol. 26 (2012): 91-99.
34. “Can Terrorism be Satirized? The Case of Chuck Palahniuk’s Pygmy.” Terrorism and Narrative Practice, eds. Thomas Austenfeld, Jens Herlth, Dimiter Daphinoff. Münster: Lit Verlag, 2011. 189-199.
33. “Pigs, Ghosts, and a Ship of Fools: Katherine Anne Porter’s Response to Totalitarian Europe.” Colloquium Helveticum 41 (2010): 35-51.
32. “Comparison and Contrast: Discovering Family Relations.” Vergleichen? / Comparer? Komparatistische Wissenschaften im Vergleich / La comparaison dans les sciences. Eds. Gilbert Casasus & Sabine Haupt. Münster: Lit Verlag, 2011. 19-22.
31. “Genre, Voice, Identity: Nonfiction Prose and the Personal Essay.” Colloquium Helveticum 40 (2009): 19-35.
30. “The Spinet and the Coffin: Katherine Anne Porter and the Art of Music.” Mississippi Quarterly 62:1-2 (2009): 195-212.
29. “Looking for Academic Family: Learning and Teaching in David Levin’s Exemplary Elders and Frank McCourt’s Teacher Man.” Prose Studies 31.3 (2009): 181-189.
28. “Locked Up Underground: Kay Boyle and Prisons.” Writing American Women, eds. Thomas Austenfeld and Agnieszka Soltysik Monnet. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2009. 165-178.
27. “Kay Boyle”. The Literary Encyclopedia. 24 March 2009. <>
26. “Kay Boyle.” Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Twentieth-Century Fiction. <> DOI: 10.1111/b.9781405192446.2011.x
25. “La Peur dans la littérature américaine des années 1920 et 1930.” La Peur et ses Miroirs. Ed. Michel Viegnes. Paris: Editions Imago, 2009. 325-345.
24. “Why Does Daisy Die? Teaching Late 19th-Century American Literature in Switzerland.” The American Literary Naturalism Newsletter 3.1-2 (2009): 7-11.
23. “Teaching Lowell Beyond the Alps: A Multilingual Approach to Imitations.” The Robert Lowell Society Newsletter 1.1 (2008): 7-9.
22. “Dr. Schumann” [in Katherine Anne Porter’s Ship of Fools]. Student’s Encyclopedia of American Literary Characters. Ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli and Judith S. Baughman. 4 vols. New York: Facts on File/Manly, 2008. Vol. 3, 1063-1064.
21. “A Happy Naturalist? Jeremy Bentham and the Cosmic Morality of The Octopus.” Studies in American Naturalism 2.1 (Summer 2007): 33-45.
20. “Only Sensations Remain: The Hypertrophy of the Aesthetic in Philip Roth’s Everyman. ” American Aesthetics, ed. Deborah Madsen (SPELL vol. 20). Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2007. 207-221.
19. “The Persistence of Desire (John Updike).” Entry in Facts on File Companion to the American Short Story, ed. Abby Werlock, 2nd. edition. New York: Facts on File, 2010. Vol II, 529.
18. “How to Begin a New World: Dante in Walcott’s Omeros.” South Atlantic Review 71.3 (2006): 15-28.
17. “German Heritage and Culture in Louise Erdrich’s The Master Butchers Singing Club.” Great Plains Quarterly 26 (Winter 2006): 3-11.
16. “The Mountain Lion.” The Facts on File Companion to the American Novel, ed. Abby H.P. Werlock. New York: Facts on File, 2006. Vol. II: 923-925.
15. “Plagued by the Nightingale.” The Facts on File Companion to the American Novel, ed. Abby H.P. Werlock. New York: Facts on File, 2006. Vol. III: 1045-1046.
14. “A River Runs Through It.” The Facts on File Companion to the American Novel, ed. Abby H.P. Werlock. New York: Facts on File, 2006. Vol. III: 1108-1110.
13. “Peter Taylor’s A Summons to Memphis: Duty Ethics in the American South.” Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 36.3 (2004): 231-37.
12. “A Brief Meditation on Pedagogy.” The Department Chair: A Resource of Academic Administrators 14.2 (2003): 24-25.
11. “Josef Pieper’s Contemplative Assent to the World.” Modern Age 42.4 (2000): 372-382.
10. “Travellers, Not Tourists: The Trope of Travel as Acculturation.” Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas (ISSEI), 16-21 August, 1998, Haifa University, Israel. ISSEI: 2001.
9. “Language as a Tool of Honesty: The Example of Kay Boyle.” Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas (ISSEI), 16-21 August, 1998, Haifa University, Israel. ISSEI: 2001.
8. “Thomas Wolfe and Katherine Anne Porter in Germany: The Ethical Dimension of Fiction.” The Thomas Wolfe Review 23.1 (1999): 11-19.
7. “Memory, Literature, and European Politics.” In: Memory, History and Critique. European Identity at the Millennium. Proceedings of the 5th International ISSEI Conference. August 1996, University for Humanist Studies, Utrecht, The Netherlands, eds. Frank Brinkhuis & Sascha Talmor.
6. “No Sentimental Education: An Essay on Transatlantic Cultural Identity.” Reflections on Multiculturalism. Ed. Robert Eddy. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press, 1996, 155-164
5. “What Makes a Western Writer? The Case of Katherine Anne Porter.” Southwestern American Literature 20.2 (1995): 35-42.
4. “The Necessary Imagination: European Authors Encounter the West.” Heritage of the Great Plains 27.1 (1994): 13-18.
3. “Katherine Anne Porter Abroad: The Politics of Emotion.” Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 26.1 (1994): 27-33.
2. “Rituals of Reading in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens.” South Atlantic Review 58 (1993): 67-83.
1. “‘But, come, I’ll set your story to a tune’: Berlioz’s Interpretation of Byron’s ‘Childe Harold.'” Keats-Shelley Journal XXXIX (1990): 83-94.
Review Essays
“German Contributions to American Literary Scholarship.” American Literary Scholarship: An Annual 2008. Ed. David Nordloh. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2010. 474-489.
“German Contributions to American Literary Scholarship.” American Literary Scholarship: An Annual 2007. Ed. Gary Scharnhorst. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2009. 474-489.
“German Contributions to American Literary Scholarship.” American Literary Scholarship: An Annual 2006. Ed. David Nordloh. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2008. 471-489.
“German Contributions to American Literary Scholarship.” Dual chapter for publications in 2004 and 2005. American Literary Scholarship: An Annual 2005. Ed. Gary Scharnhorst. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2007. 471-494.
Bibliographic Essays
Editor, “Annual Bibliography of Studies in Western American Literature, 1997.” Western American Literature 32.4 (1998): 353-383.
Editor, “Annual Bibliography of Studies in Western American Literature, 1996.” Western American Literature 31.4 (1997): 321-363.
Editor, “Annual Bibliography of Studies in Western American Literature, 1995.” Western American Literature 30.4 (1996): 375-408.
Book Reviews
1. Review of Julia Nitz, Belles and Poets: Intertextuality in the Civil War Diaries of White Southern Women (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2018) in Amerikastudien / American Studies 68.1 (2023): 25-127. DOI:
2. Review of Timo Müller, The African American Sonnet: A Literary History (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2018) in Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 69.2 (2021): 199-201. DOI:
3. Review of Jewel Spears Brooker, T.S. Eliot’s Dialectical Imagination (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2018) in Anglia 137.2 (2019): 360-363. DOI:
4. Review of Barbara Korte and Frédéric Regard (eds.), Narrating “Precariousness”: Modes, Media, Ethics (Heidelberg: Winter, 2014) in Anglia 134.1 (2016): 188-191. DOI: .
5. Review of Guerre de Troie, guerres des cultures et guerres du Golfe, by Gaël Grobéty (Bern, etc.: Peter Lang, 2014), in Museum Helveticum 71/2 (2014): 253.
6. Review of Louise Erdrich: Tracks, The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse, The Plague of Doves, ed. by Deborah L. Madsen (London: Continuum, 2011), in Great Plains Quarterly 32.4 (2012): 292.
7. Review of Janis P. Stout, Picturing a Different West: Vision, Illustration, and the Tradition of Cather and Austin (Texas Tech UP, 2007) in Great Plains Quarterly 29.1 (2009): 79.
8. Review of Darlene Harbour Unrue, Katherine Anne Porter: The Life of an Artist (Mississippi UP, 2005), in Great Plains Quarterly 27.4 (2007): 302-303.
9. Review of Rüdiger Heinze, Ethics of Literary Forms in Contemporary American Literature (Münster: Lit Verlag, 2005), in Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 32.2 (2007): 356-359.
10. Review of Mary Titus, The Ambivalent Art of Katherine Anne Porter (Georgia UP, 2005), in South Atlantic Review 71.3 (2006): 133-135.
11. Review of Pascale Casanova, The World Republic of Letters (Harvard UP, 2004), in South Atlantic Review 71.1 (2006): 141-144.
12. Review of Catherine Paul, Poetry in the Museums of Modernism (University of Michigan Press, 2002) in South Atlantic Review 69.3-4 (2004): 123-126.
13. “Humility and Method.” Review of Ciriaco Morón Arroyo, The Humanities in the Age of Technology (Catholic University of America Press, 2002) in Modern Age (Spring 2003): 178-181.
14. Review of Kay Boyle, Process, ed. Sandra Spanier (University of Illinois Press, 2001) in South Atlantic Review 67.3 (2002): 99-101.
15. Review of Alan Williamson, Almost a Girl: Male Writers and Female Identification (University Press of Virginia, 2001) in South Atlantic Review 67.2 (2002): 74-75.
16. Review of Susan Rosowski, Birthing a Nation (University of Nebraska Press, 1999) in Resources for American Literary Study 28 (2002), 189-191.
17. Review of Darlene Harbour Unrue (ed.), Katherine Anne Porter’s Poetry (University of South Carolina Press, 1996) in Resources for American Literary Study 24.2 (1998): 288-290.
18. Review of Janis Stout, Katherine Anne Porter: A Sense of the Times (University of Virginia Press, 1995) in Rocky Mountain Review 50.1 (Spring 1996).
19. Review of Ruth M. Alvarez and Thomas Walsh (eds.), Uncollected Early Prose of Katherine Anne Porter (University of Texas Press, 1994) in Western American Literature (May 1995).
20. Review of Robert Brinkmeyer, Katherine Anne Porter’s Artistic Development (Louisiana State University Press, 1993) in South Atlantic Review (May 1994).
21. Review of Thomas Walsh, Katherine Anne Porter and Mexico (University of Texas Press, 1992) in South Atlantic Review (September 1993).
22. Review of David Axelrod, Jerusalem of Grass (1992) and Gerrye Payne, The Year-God (1992) in Western American Literature (August 1993).
23. Review of Roger Fanning, The Island Itself (1991) in Western American Literature (November 1992).
Occasional Writings
1. “Der dissonante Wüstenchor.” Universitas: Magazin der Universität Freiburg (03| 2021/2022): 34-35.
2. “Foreword.” English Without Boundaries. Reading English from China to Canada. Edited by Jane Roberts and Trudi L. Darby. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017. x-xi.
3. “Memory Culture.” Universitas: Magazin der Universität Freiburg (März 2015): 27-28.
4. Interview mit Claudia Brülhart, “Wo ist der Glamour hin?” Universitas: Magazin der Universität Freiburg (März 2015): 10-12.
5. “MOOCs, Museen und Kultur.” Universitas: Magazin der Universität Freiburg (October 2013): 18-20.
6. “Playing the Prodigal: Walcott’s Variations on a Biblical Parable.” Proceedings of the Second Edition of ELLE International Conference, Oradea, 14-15 September 2012. Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2013. 135-142.
7. Austenfeld, Thomas (ed. and pref.). Minervini Jordan, Cinzia. Being and Becoming. Reading Arthur Miller’s Focus and “The Crucible” through Giorgio Agamben. Basel: Friedrich Reinhardt, 2012. [Epiphania / Egregia # 9]. ISBN 978-3-7245-1871-6.
8. “Neue Strukturen an der Philosophischen Fakultät.” Universitas: Magazin der Universität Freiburg (September 2009): 4-6
9. “Ein Schwarzer im Weissen Haus?” Universitas: Magazin der Universität Freiburg (Dezember 2008): 10-11.
10. “A Brief Meditation on Pedagogy.” The Department Chair: A Resource of Academic Administrators 14.2 (2003): 24-25.
11. “Simulating Battle, Educating for Reality: A Visit to Fort Benning, GA.” The Digest: NGCSU Faculty and Staff Newsletter 11,19 (May 27, 2003): 3-4.