Meinrad Perrez

Current Position:

Professor emeritus of Clinical Psychology (since 2011)
Department of  Psychology, University of Fribourg
2, Rue Faucigny
1700 Fribourg / Switzerland

Phone: +41 26 402 56 34
Home Address: 3, Chemin du Gerbey
CH - 1752 Villars-sur-Glâne / Switzerland


Research interests

  • Interpersonal emotion regulation in couples and families
  • Individual and interpersonal computer-aided ambulatory assessment
  • Prevention: parenting enhancement training, prevention via new medias
  • Scientific foundation for psychological intervention methods

Research Funding (last projects)

  • European Commission, Brussels and Bundesamt für Bildung und Wissenschaft, Bern "Family Life and Professional Work: Conflict and Synergy.” European multi-center study together with research groups of the universities of Graz, Mons, Munich, Nijmegen, Palermo, Porto, and St. Petersburg; 2003-2005.
  • Swiss National Science Foundation (grant number: 51A24-104897) National Center of Competence in Affective Sciences (lead K. Scherer,  University of Geneva). Project M. Perrez & M. Reicherts: “Individual and social regulation of emotions in the family”; 2005-2009.

Professional History

1971-1973: Department of Psychology, University of Salzburg (Austria)
1973-1975: Professor of Psychology at the Free University of Berlin
1975-1981: Chair for Educational Sciences at the University of Fribourg
Since 1981: Chair for Clinical Psychology at the University of Fribourg
1982-1983: Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Fribourg
1983/84, 1987/89, 1995/96,
1998/99, 2003/04 and 2007/08:
Director of Department of Psychology, University of Fribourg
1986-1988: Committee-member of the section "Clinical Psychology" of German Psychological Society
1987-1989: President of the Swiss Psychological Society
1993-1996: Member of the Swiss Federal Commission on AIDS issues (EKAF)
1993-1999: Director of the Institute for Family Research at the University Fribourg
1995-2000: Member of the Board of the Swiss Cancer League
1996-1998: Vice President of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs)
2001: Visiting Professor at the Child Study Center, New York University
2001-2010: Member of the “Research Council of the Swiss National Foundation”
2004-2010: President of the “Division of Humanities and Social Sciences” the Swiss National Science Foundation
2011: Professor emeritus at the University of Fribourg


  • Honory member  of the “Scientific Advisory Board of the V.M. Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute” St. Petersburg (1998)
  • Honory member of the Swiss Society of Psychology (2014)
  • Honory member of the Swiss Society of Health Psychology (2014)

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Selected Publications

Perrez, M. (1972). Ist die Psychoanalyse eine Wissenschaft? Bern: Hans Huber, 175 Seiten (1979, 2., erweiterte Auflage). Übersetzung ins Italienische: (1977). La Psicoanalisi: Una scienza? Collana dei Studi Freudiani. Roma: Editrice Città Nuova, 211 pp.

Perrez, M. & Reicherts, M. (1992). Stress, Coping and Health. A Situation-Behavior Approach. Theory, Methods, Applications. Seattle/Toronto: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, pp.

Perrez, M. & Baumann, U. (Hrsg.). (2011). Lehrbuch Klinische Psychologie - Psychotherapie(4. aktualisierte Aufl., mit Fragen und Online-Übungen). Bern: Hans Huber, pp. (2012). Zweite  russische Übersetzung der 3. vollst. überarb. Aufl..  St. Petersburg: Piter Press, pp.

Bodenmann, G., Perrez, M. & Gottman, J.M. (1996). Die Bedeutung des intrapsychischen Copings für die dyadische Interakton unter Stress. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie, 25, 1, 1-13

Perrez, M., Horner, M. & Morval, M. (1998). Comment mesurer le stress? Une nouvelle approche: l’auto-observation systématique au moyen d’un ordinateur de poche. Bulletin de psychologie, 51, 4, 427-439.

Perrez, M., Schöbi, D. & Wilhelm, P. (2000). How to assess social regulation of stress and emotions in daily family life? A computer-assisted family self-monitoring system (FASEM-C).  Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 7, 326-339

Perrez, M., Wilhelm, P., Schoebi, D. & Horner, M. (2001). Simultaneous computer assisted assessment of causal attribution and social coping in families. In J. Fahrenberg & M. Myrtek (Eds.), Progress in Ambulatory Assessment (pp. 25-43). Seattle: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.

Wilhelm, P. & Perrez, M. (2004). How is my partner feeling in different daily-life settings? Accuracy of spouses’ judgements about their partner’s feelings at work and at home. Social Indicators Research, 67, 1-2, 183-246

Fahrenberg, J., Myrtek, M., Pawlik, K. & Perrez, M. (2007). Ambulatory assessment – Monitoring behavior in daily life settings. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 23(4), 206-213.

Perrez, M., Reicherts, M., Hänggi, Y., Horn, A.B., Michel, G., Schoebi, D. & Wilhelm, P. (2008). Assessment of health related issues in individuals’, couples’, and families’ daily life. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, 16(3), 146-149.

Debrot, A., Cook, W. L., Perrez, M., & Horn, A. B. (2012). Deeds matter: Daily enacted responsiveness and intimacy in couples’ daily lives. Journal of Family Psychology, 26, 4, 617–627

Schoebi, D., Perrez, M., & Bradbury, T. N. (2012). Expectancy effects on marital interaction: Rejection Sensitivity as a Critical Moderator. Journal of family psychology, 26(5),709–18.

Wilhelm, P. & Perrez, M. (2013). A history of research conducted in daily life (Scientific Report Nr. 170). Fribourg, Switzerland: Department of Psychology, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

Horn, A., Samson, A. C., Debrot, A. & Perrez, M. (2018). Positive humor in couples as interpersonal emotion regulation: A dyadic study in everyday life on the mediating role of psychological intimacy. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, XX(X),1-21.

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