Professional Service - University of Fribourg
• Organizer, two panels of the Robert Lowell Society at the ALA Conference, Chicago, May 22-25, 2024.
• MOVETIA visit to Boğaziçi University (Istanbul) for eight hours teaching on (1) Modernist American Poetry and (2) Toni Morrison’s A Mercy, April 22-26, 2023.
• Host and moderator, Book discussion group sponsored by the U.S. Embassy Bern on the occasion of Women’s History Month, of Chemistry Lessons by Bonnie Garmus, March 15, 2023.
• Director, Biennial Conference of the Swiss Association of North American Studies. Fribourg, November 18-19, 2022. Keynote speakers: Prof. Jim Phelan (The Ohio State University) and Prof. Natasha Trethewey (Northwestern University).
• [with Aurélie Zurbrügg] Organizer, CUSO Doctoral Conference, “New Perspectives on Rhetoric, Authorship, and Narrative.” Fribourg, November 17, 2022. Invited Speakers: Prof. Jim Phelan (The Ohio State University) and Prof. Ingo Berensmeyer (University of Munich)
• Treasurer, Swiss Association for North American Studies (SANAS), January 2022 –
• Member, Search committee for Professor of Modern English Literature, U. of Fribourg, Fall 2021 / Spring 2022
• Discussion evening with Fribourg students about the American elections, organized and invited by the English Fachschaft, TEAMS, December 7, 2020
• Four live interview segments (total 22 minutes) on RadioFreiburg on the U.S. Presidential Elections, November 4, 2020
• Online visit to Gaetan Maret’s high school class on Career Day, October 1, 2020
• Reader / Evaluator for Amerikastudien / American Studies, 2020, 2021, 2022
• Outside evaluator of doctoral thesis on Gjertrud Schnackenberg, by Alexandra Kraeva, U. of Mulhouse. February 3, 2020
• Co-organizer for swissuniversities-sponsored one-day workshop entitled “Transnational Conversations”. Multilingual Writing and Cultural Exchange in Europe and the Americas. Guest: Dr. Jennifer Reimer, U. of Graz. December 6, 2019
• “Expert” and “Examiner” on Federal Matura Exams in English conducted by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation. Fall 2019, Spring 2020, ongoing.
• Served on Habilitation Committee for Dr. Sonja Klimek, Department of German, Fall 2019
• Served on Dissertation Committee for Sebastian Imoberdorf, Identidades múltiples — Hibridismo cultural y social en la narrativa hispanounidense de los siglos XX y XXI, November 2019
• Organizer, Swiss European Mobility Exchange visit by Dr. Snezana Vuletic, LMU München, for multiple guest lectures. “Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun” and “An Introduction to Postcolonial Criticism.” November 11-15, 2019
• Radio Interview conducted by Valentin Brügger of Radio Freiburg with Prof. Austenfeld, on the occasion of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s visit to the University, November 14, 2019
• Organizer, Guest Lecture by Zoe Boekbinder, New Orleans, “The Folsom Prison Project,” October 29, 2019
• Member, Search committee for Full Professor of English Literature, U. of Fribourg, Fall 2019
• Organizer, Guest Lecture by Dr. Sascha Pöhlmann, U. of Konstanz, “Walt Whitman and Future-Founding Poetry,” October 22, 2019
• Member, Search committee for Full Professor of Spanish Literature, U. of Fribourg, Fall 2019
• Co-organizer, with Patrizia Zanella, of CUSO Workshop, Literary Texts and Legal Epistemologies in North American Indigenous Studies. Guest: Prof. Jill Doerfler, Chair of the Department of American Indian Studies, University of Minnesota-Duluth.
• Radio interview on “Echo der Zeit” (SRF) on the death of Toni Morrison. Tuesday, August 6, 2019, 18:00h.
• Served as Secretary-General and Treasurer to IAUPE, The International Association of University Professors of English, from August 1, 2013 to July 31, 2019
• Discussant, International Whitman Week, Liberal Studies, New York University, May 27-June 1, 2019. Organized by Prof. Karen Karbiener.
• Hosted Mariam Taha, Cairo University, for a 6-month dissertation research stay.
• Organizer, Guest lectures by Prof. Frank Mehring, Radboud University, Nijmegen. “Confessin’ the Blues: Sonic Life Writing” and “The Weary Blues: Remediating the Literary Harlem Renaissance in Visual Culture.” May 6 and 7, 2019.
• Head, Department of English, University of Fribourg. Elected for term from January 2019 to July 2021.
• Organizer, CUSO Workshop for Doctoral Candidates. “American Literature and the Archive.” Guest: Prof. Randall Fuller, Herman Melville Distinguished Chair of 19th Century Literature, University of Kansas. Fribourg, April 12-13, 2018.
• Senior Editor (Southern Literature), Editorial Board, Oxford Research Encyclopedia Literature, 2015-2019.
• Spring 2018, External Member of a Promotion Commission, University of Basel
• Organizer, “The Sacred Word,” Poetry event with Don Paterson and Marie-Elsa Bragg. Fribourg, March 15, 2018.
• Convener and Director, “Beyond the Alps: Robert Lowell in Europe. The Centennial Conference.” March 30 – April 2, 2017. Supporting Grants received from the Forschungspool der Universität Freiburg, the Schweizerische Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung, and the Staatssekretariat für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI.
• Coordinator, weekend seminar visit by Prof. Mathilde Roza, Radboud University Nijmegen, November 2016. “Teaching The Orenda.”
• 2008, 2012, 2016, 2018: Commentator on American Presidential and Midterm Elections, Radio Fribourg (francophone).
• Coordinator, Fulbright Senior Scholar Visitor Prof. Richard Kopley, Pennsylvania State University emeritus, guest lecturer and researcher in Fribourg September 25-October 13, 2016.
• Chair, Struktur- und Berufungskommission “Islamische Studien” in der Philosophischen Fakultät und dem Schweizerischen Zentrum für Islam und Gesellschaft, Fribourg, March-December, 2016.
• Coordinator, guest lecture by Prof. Mita Banerjee, Mainz University, December 2015. “Naturalism and Naturalization.”
• Host and organizer (with Patrizia Zanella) of SANAS Mini-Conference, “American Earth: Ecocriticism and American Studies,” November 2015, Fribourg. Keynote speakers: Prof. Scott Slovic, University of Idaho and Prof. Alexa Weik von Mossner, University of Klagenfurt.
• President of the Department of Languages and Literature, July 2015 – June 2017.
• Sponsor, Three-months’ research visit by Ieva Stoncikaite, doctoral student from the Universitat de Lleida, fall 2015. “Erica Jong and Aging.”
• Coordinator, guest lecture by Prof. Jiri Flajsar, Palacky University, Olomouc, May 2015. “Suburbia from Novel to Film.”
• Coordinator, weekend seminar visit by Prof. Hans Bak, Radboud University Nijmegen, April 2015. “Malcolm Cowley’s Exile’s Return.”
• Sponsor, Three-months’ research visit to the English department by Dr. Federico Bellini, Università Cattolica, Milano, spring 2015. “Melville’s Novels.”
• Coordinator, guest lecture by Prof. Larry Howe, Roosevelt University Chicago and Distinguished Fulbright Scholar at Syddansk U., Denmark, March 3, 2015. “Power and Primitivism in Eugene O’Neill’s The Emperor Jones.“
• Participant, SSASA Symposium 2014, “New Writing, New Voice, New Directions.” Salzburg, Schloss Leopoldskron, September 27-October 1, 2014.
• Delegate of the Humanities Faculty to the Professorial Plenary of the University of Fribourg, August 2014-June, 2016
• “Rapporteur,” Subcommittee of Horizon 2020, tasked with reimagining Faculty Governance, 2014-2015
• President, “Kommission Katholische Seelsorge,” August 2013- June 2016
• Member, search committee for Professor of Modern History (francophone), spring 2014
• Member, search committee for Professor of German Literature, 2013-2014
• Taught “American Short Stories” as part of a Continuing Education event, February 12, 2014
• “Responsable du domaine Anglais”/ Head of English Department, July 2013-June 2015
• Coordinator, guest lecture by Prof. Kathy Lou Schultz, University of Memphis, October 8, 2013. “The Harlem Renaissance.”
• October 2013, Member of an invited vice-rectoral commission to evaluate the work of the Faculty of Letters, University of Lausanne
• Coordinator, Visit by American poet Dana Gioia to the University of Fribourg, April 27-30, 2013. Funding for this visit provided in part by the Fondation Jan Michalski, Montricher, Switzerland.
• Host Mentor for a SCIEX project on writer Gary Shteyngart, conducted by Dr. Enikö Maior (Partium University, Oradea, Romania) at the University of Fribourg, January 15-July 15, 2013.
• Coordinator, Guest lecture by Prof. Peter Barry, Aberystwyth University. “Poems in Chains: Conversations Among American Poems.” Fribourg, September 25, 2012.
• Conference Director, Narrenschiff / Ship of Fools: A Transatlantic Encounter, Fribourg and Basel, May 10-12, 2012. Financial support granted by the Schweizer Staatssekretariat für Bildung und Forschung.
• Coordinator, Guest lecture by His Excellency, the U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland, Donald S. Beyer, Jr. “American elections and the role of the media.” May 3, 2012.
• Co-organizer (with Boris Vejdovsky, Lausanne) of the CUSO seminar, “Aesthetics and Politics; Or, What’s Entitled to be Beautiful Today?”, March 22-23, 2012, Crêt-Bérard.
• Organizer (with Brigitte Zaugg, Metz) of the EAAS workshop # 14, “Physical Hygiene, Mental Health, and the Growth of a Nation: Literature in the Service of Advancing America,” Izmir, March 30-April 2, 2012.
• Coordinator, Guest lecture by Prof. Meg Tyler, Boston University. “The State of the American Lyric in the 21st Century.” Cosponsored by the Fulbright Commission. March 15, 2012.
• Dean, Faculty of Humanities (Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines / Philosophische Fakultät), the largest academic division within the University of Fribourg, comprising areas of study in Languages and Literatures (French, German, English, Spanish, Italian, Latin and Greek, Multilingualism), Ancient / Medieval / Modern / Contemporary History, European Studies, Archaeology, Art History, Musicology, Philosophy, Social Sciences and Social Work, Education, Special Education and Speech Therapy, Psychology), elected to a two-year term from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2011, with all duties thereunto appertaining: Lead six faculty meetings (a body composed of about 140 elected members representing approx. 80 professors, 250 scientific collaborators, 4000+ students) per academic year in German; lead biweekly deans’ council meetings in French; lead regular sessions of the council of department presidents; develop and oversee administrative policies for the faculty and implement them within the University; plan and coordinate educational and fiscal policy of the dean’s office and represent the faculty vis-à-vis the Rectorate and the administrative arm of the University; organize structural and search committees for new and vacant posts; chair all German-speaking search committees (French-speaking committees are chaired by appropriate francophone vice-deans); chair dissertation defenses and “Habilitation” presentations in German or English; bestow doctoral degrees and titles of “Privatdozent”; approve and sign by hand all diplomas, awards, and admission letters sent out by the Faculty; lead multilingual diploma and graduation ceremonies three times per year; welcome conferences across the disciplines within the Faculty; assure continuous functioning of the faculty during intersemesters. <>
• Spring 2011, External Member of a Promotion Commission, University of Lausanne
• Coordinator, Fulbright Senior Scholar Visitor Prof. Eric Carl Link, University of Memphis, guest lecturer and researcher in Fribourg April 3 – May 13, 2011.
• Co-organizer (with Prof. Jens Herlth and Prof. Dimiter Daphinoff) of the international conference “Terrorism through the Lens of Literary Epistemology: Historical Imagination and Narrative Practice,” Fribourg, December 2-4, 2010, co-sponsored by the SNF, the Staatssekretariat für Bildung und Forschung, and the Rectorate of the University of Fribourg.
• Coordinator, Guest Lecture by visiting scholar, Prof. Diederik Oostdijk, Free University Amsterdam, November 10, 2010, with a presentation on “American Poetry of the Vietnam War.”
• Invited Panelist, CRUS Conference, “Qualität der Forschung in den Geisteswissenschaften,” Zürich, October 27-28, 2010.
• Participant, Salzburg Global Seminar (SSASAA), “To Honor Emory Elliott: American Literary History in a New Key,” September 24-27, 2010, Schloss Leopoldskron Salzburg.
• (Ongoing): serve as manuscript reader for Great Plains Quarterly, Mosaic, PMLA, L’Analisi linguistica e letteraria (Milano), and the University of Alabama Press.
• Coordinator, Guest Lecture by visiting scholar, Prof. Jewel Spears Brooker, Eckerd College, May 25-27, 2010, with a presentation on the early work of T.S. Eliot. Co-sponsored by the U.S. Embassy, Bern.
• Participant, Salzburg Global Seminar (SSASAA), “Globalization and American Popular Culture,” September 25-28, 2009, Schloss Leopoldskron Salzburg.
• Coordinator, Guest Lecture by visiting scholar, Prof. Sandra Spanier, Pennsylvania State University, on September 15, 2009. Co-sponsored by the U.S. Embassy, Bern.
• Coordinator, Guest Lecture by visiting poet and publisher, Paul Tayyar, on March 17, 2009. Sponsored by SANAS.
• Coordinator, Guest Lecture by Visiting Fulbright Professor of American Studies, Michael A. Rozendal, on February 17, 2009. Sponsored by the U.S. Embassy, Bern.
• Participant, Salzburg Global Seminar (SSASAA), “Transnationalism and Immigration Shock in American Society and Literature,” October 30-November 2, 2008, Schloss Leopoldskron Salzburg.
• Member, Commission “30+” for examination and admission of students without High School “maturité” exam.
• Co-organizer (with Agnieszka Soltysik and Patrick Vincent) of the SANAS Conference 2008, “Writing American Women: Text, Gender, Performance” and the Troisième Cycle Colloquium, “Disciplinary Formations” at Crêt-Bérard, November 13-15, 2008.
• Member, Commission de structure et d’appel, Sciences de l’Antiquité, Fall 2008.
• Member, Academic Board of the American College Program, Fribourg (ongoing).
• Awarded € 1400 in print subvention support by the “Commission des Publications, Conseil de l’Université Fribourg,” May 2008, for Kay Boyle for the Twenty-First Century.
• Member, Strukturkommission Germanistik, Summer/Fall 2008.
• Member, Groupe Pilotage, “Restructuration de la Faculté des Lettres,” 2008-2009.
• Visit to the University of Mississippi for the purpose of negotiating an exchange agreement, April 2008.
• Panel moderator, “Master Evening,” February 28, 2008.
• Session Organizer, Kay Boyle Society, American Literature Association, San Francisco, May 2008.
• Member, “Commission des Règlements,” 2007-2008
• Member, Commission on “Leitbild / Charte” of the Faculty of Philosophy, 2007-2008.
• Convener, Kay Boyle Business Meeting, ALA Boston May 2007, ALA San Francisco May 2008.
• Chaired Western American Literature Association meeting, “Things That Go Boom: Sites of Trauma in the American West,” at ALA, Boston, May 2007.
• Negotiated exchange agreement between University of Fribourg and North Georgia College & State University, May 2007.
• Outside specialist, Matura Exams Collège Gambach, June 2007, June 2008.
• Chair, Western Literature Association Panel at the ALA Boston, May 2007.
• Host and organizer of SANAS “Reading Group” (Will Kaufmann) in Fribourg, April 27, 2007.
• Examiner and “Assesseur” on oral exams, Spring 2007, Fall 2007, Spring 2008.
• Occasional Organist, University Chapel, 2006-2007.
• Hosted Thanksgiving dinner for exchange students, November 2006.
• Exchange Program Coordinator (assisted by Dr. Alexa Weik v. Mossner, 2009-2012) for Fribourg-Arizona, Fribourg-Mississippi, Fribourg-Omaha student exchanges.